Jessica Fike, our photographer for the Gala, has uploaded photos which you can view and purchase.
Details and the link are on our Events page. Please read the instructions carefully!!! You may not screenshot, download, share or use on social media without purchasing.
IT'S OUR CLUB -- and OUR job to keep it nice!
Please remember to ALWAYS bus your own dishes & glassware and clean up trash, especially at the end of the night. We have had too many instances of glasses left on tables, around the bar, and even outside on the downstairs patio. We do not want to risk broken glass around our clubhouse. If the dirty dish bin is full, please inform our staff or bring the bin to the dishwasher and move one of the spare bins up from the bottom of the dish cart. If the cart is not available, simply place items on the counters outside the kitchen. Our goal should be to leave our do-it-yourself club cleaner than we found it! If you wish to dine at Friday Grills and Saturday social events, you are required to sign up in advance, in order to ensure that there is enough food for everyone.
Be sure to check in at the registration table upon arrival. You will not be served if you don’t have a confirmed signup. All members are welcome to stop in at the club after dinner to socialize and enjoy any entertainment. |